That's why you should take out insurance with us:
Several experts with a total of more than 15 years of professional experience in insurance.
Friendly service by our team.
Always up-to-date through continuous training.
Tip number 1 - Compare before
Insurance can be very expensive under certain circumstances. Cheap insurance often offers the same protection. It therefore makes sense to deal thoroughly with this topic in advance. Various portals on the Internet offer good comparison possibilities. Make sure that you not only compare the prices, but also the services of the providers. The services should depend on the type of gastronomy you operate. For a restaurant with a beer garden and event rooms, a different protection is required than, for example, for a food truck.
Tip number 2 - Business insurance as a combination package
Many insurers offer the combination package as a cheap alternative. It is very important for you that you pay attention to what the contents of this package look like. It should be at least
- public liability insurance,
- inventory insurance, and
- a company legal expenses insurance
in this package.
We will make a clean needs assessment for you and provide you with an offer tailored to your needs >>> Contact us.
Tip number 3 - Insurance is necessary
Companies that are active in the catering or hotel industry have very special risks. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that in many cases the office equipment is of very high quality, but on the other hand, it is also due to the fact that customer traffic is particularly intensive. Have your insurance tailored exactly to your needs in order to be covered if necessary. Good insurance companies plausibly make it clear to you which insurances are really necessary and which insurances you can do without.
Tip number 4 - Public liability insurance for your company
Public liability insurance occurs in the event of damage caused by your employees or your company if you fulfill your obligations in the company. This includes all damage to persons or material. Damages that are closely related to this are also insured. Depending on the insurance policy, these may be income losses caused by a possible closure or damage caused to guests. Even the cost of the suit or dress, which has to be cleaned because an employee was careless, is covered by this insurance.
The public liability insurance is also responsible for compensation for pain and suffering or compensation for loss of earnings for a guest who injures himself in your restaurant. If claims are classified as unjustified, an appraiser or a lawyer of the insurance company will take care of it. These few examples alone show that you should not do without public liability insurance under any circumstances, even if it is mandatory.
Tip number 5 - The insurance for your business
Damage to your company's inventory or stored inventories and goods will not be covered by public liability insurance. For this you need a business content insurance. This insurance protects you if the above-mentioned supplies or inventory are damaged by water, hail, storm, fire or burglary.
Not only will the damaged items be replaced by the insurance, but repair and repair costs as well as new acquisition costs can also be covered. Optionally, you should think about whether you also take out elemental risk insurance or business interruption insurance in addition to the risks mentioned.
Tip number 6 - Think about your own health
Not only inventory insurance and public liability insurance are basic insurances, but your health is also important to maintain your workforce and thus ensure the continued existence of your business. Therefore, health insurance is also necessary. Here, however, you have the choice between private and statutory health insurance.
Compare the different offers, or simply come to Diebust Gastro Treuhand GmbH, we will make a clean needs assessment and then submit your tailor-made offer! Not only are there financial differences, but tariff content can also be very different. It is best if you look at the tariffs via independent comparison portals. In most cases, not only the prices, but also the offers are listed there.

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