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Personal Secretariat

The phone rings continuously, the mail piles up and in addition to its actual work, there is also a lot of work that should be done? We have the solution: Use our personal administration. This is an office service (also called secretarial service or simply office service) with which we relieve you and you can concentrate on your core business. Since we are an optimized full service law firm, we help you to save money when you use our office service. It's a simple calculation: we do your paperwork, office work and phone calls in a fraction of your time, and you can use the saved time more effectively in your business. Your time as a business manager is valuable and precious, your hours must also be paid, if you extrapolate the number of hours with your hourly rate, then you see how expensive your office work is! Do not waste your precious time with time-consuming work. Outsource the work to us, saving you money and time.

Personal Administration

Telephone service, paperwork, postal service - all in your name

Our fully comprehensive office service for restaurants and other businesses in the catering industry includes the following points, which can be put together individually, for an offer it is best to ask us right away.

Telephone Service:

We take the phone calls on your behalf, bundle them and forward them. The important calls are forwarded to you, the unnecessary ones (such as advertising calls) are blocked. With our telephone service you are always available, whether you are working, playing golf or treating yourself to a few days off.


Invoice, offers, letters and e-mails. We support you and take over your correspondence. We write what we can, all in perfect German and on your behalf for a positive perception of your customers and suppliers.

Business address:

Good location of your office space, low taxes thanks to strategically good company headquarters - We have free capacities in Zurich, Zug, Appenzell, Lucerne and other tax-advantaged cantons.

Postal service:

Weekly forwarding of your mail. In connection with a business address, we forward your mail to an address provided by you. We pass on important things on the same day, that's how flexible we are.